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His gravitational potential energy is greatest at the highest point in his vault. Viewing this problem ideally (where all outside factors are discarded), the pole vaulter's jump follows a parabolic path, and the vaulter will obviously be the furthest distance from the earth's surface when he reaches the highest point in the parabolic path and begins his descent. The gravitational potential energy of a single object with respect to the earth is given by U = mgh, where U is the energy given in joules, m is the mass of the object, g is the gravitational acceleration on earth (around 9.81 m/s2 toward the earth), and h is the positive distance from the earth's surface. In this problem, mass and acceleration are constant, since ideally, the only force acting on the vaulter is the force of gravity that will bring him back to the ground. Therefore, U is maximized at the highest point in the vault - the vertex of the parabola, halfway between the origin of his jump and the point where he hits the ground.

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Q: At what point during a pole-vaulters jump is his gravitational potential energy the greatest?
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What is the equation for a falling object?

The equation for the kinetic energy of a falling object is kinetic energy=1/2 an object's mass multiplied by it's speed squared. From this, we can work out the speed. First you need to know its weight and its kinetic energy. The kinetic energy is obtained by working out it's potential energy before it fell (Potential energy= mass multiplied by gravitational pull multiplied by height. Then, at whatever point during the fall, the decrease in potential energy marks the increase in kinetic energy. From then we work out the speed. Example; An object that weighs 8.1 kilograms is 10 metres above the ground. It's potential energy is therefore 8.1x10(gravitational pull on earth is always 10)x10. So it has a potential energy of 810 joules. it falls 5 metres, so it's potential energy is 8.1x10x5 (405 joules). The total energy, we know, is 810J, so 810-a05=405, giving it kinetic energy of 405J. The kinetic energy formula is then rearranged as speed squared=kinetic energy/ 0.5m. Our equation is therefore speed squared= 405/4.05, so speed squared=100. The square root of 100 is 10 so the speed is 10 metres per second (36 kilometres per hour).

What statement is supported by the data in the graphs?

The percentage of mice with white fur was greatest during the years of longest snow covers

How do you calculation room?

Room rates are calculated by the potential demand and value of the room. Rates are generally higher during peak season and holidays.

Is xcix is the greatest two digit roman numeral number?

No, "XCIX" is not the greatest two-digit Roman numeral number. The greatest two-digit Roman numeral number is "XC" which represents 90. "XCIX" represents 99.

What is a famous quote that Fibonacci said?

Without Mathematics there is no art is one of the famous quote that Fibonacci said. Fibonacci was one of the greatest genius of number theory during the 2000 years between Diophantus and Fermat.

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The diver's gravitational potential energy just before the dive is at its maximum, as the diver is at the highest point in the dive and has the most gravitational potential energy. This potential energy will be converted to kinetic energy as the diver falls during the dive.

Why would there be more gravitational potential energy than kinetic energy?

There would be more gravitational potential energy than kinetic energy when an object is at a high elevation or position above the ground, where the gravitational potential energy is proportional to the height of the object. As the object falls, the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, so at any point during the fall, the sum of potential and kinetic energy remains constant.

What is the difference between chemical energy and gravitational energy?

Chemical energy is potential energy stored within the bonds of chemical compounds, which can be released during a chemical reaction. Gravitational energy is potential energy associated with an object's position in a gravitational field, which is determined by its height above a reference point.

How many times during one rise and fall of the ball are the gravitational potential and kinetic energy equal?

During one rise and fall of the ball, the gravitational potential energy and kinetic energy are equal two times: at the highest point (when all energy is potential) and at the lowest point (when all energy is kinetic).

Does gravitational potential energy converted to electrical energy occur in routine operation of a car?

No, gravitational potential energy is not converted to electrical energy during routine operation of a car. The electrical energy in a car is typically generated by the alternator, which converts mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy. Gravitational potential energy conversion is not a significant factor in car operation.

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During skydiving, potential energy is transformed into kinetic energy as the person descends towards the ground. As the skydiver falls, gravitational potential energy is gradually converted into motion, increasing their speed until they reach terminal velocity.

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the sun gravitational compression of the still not fully compacted Earth (gravitational potential energy is converted to heat during compaction) radioactive decay comet and meteor strikes cosmic rays and neutrinos from extra-solar sources

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Potential stands for the position. Hence potential energy is due to the position. Gravitational, electric potential, magnetic potential, elastic potential. If the energy is possessed during the motion it is said to be kinetic. So if a moving proton approaches a positively charged nucleus then it has to stand for an instant due to electrostatic repulsion. In that still position, the whole KE will be available as electrostatic potential energy.

What are three 3 types of potential energy?

1. Gravitational potential energy - When an object falls from one point to another point inside a gravitational field, the force of gravity will do positive work on the object resulting in the decrease of the gravitational potential energy by the same amount.2. Elastic potential energy - the potential energy of an elastic object that is deformed under tension or compression.3. Chemical potential energy - A form of potential energy related to the structural arrangement of atoms or molecules.4. Electrical potential energy - It is of further two types:-a) Electrostatic potential energy - It is the energy of an electrically charged particle at rest in an electric field.b) Electrodynamic potential energy - When a charged object or its constituent charged particles are not at rest, a magnetic field is generated giving rise to another form of potential energy. This is also known as magnetic potential energy.5. Nuclear potential energy - It is the potential energy of the particles inside an atomic nucleus.

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The force would be greatest when the object has the greatest mass and acceleration, following Newton's second law which states F = ma. Initially, the force could also be greatest during impact or collision when the object experiences a sudden change in momentum.

What did Isaac newton say about gravitational potential energy?

Isaac Newton did not specifically discuss gravitational potential energy as a concept, as the term was not commonly used during his time. However, his laws of motion and universal law of gravitation laid the foundation for understanding the relationship between gravitational forces and energy. According to Newton, the potential energy associated with an object in a gravitational field increases with its height above a reference point.