Must Be Proved Before They Can Be Accepted As True
Yes - if such a counterexample can be found. However, using only the Euclidean axioms and logical arguments, it can be proven that the angles of a triangle in a Euclidean plane must add to 180 degrees. Consequently, a counterexample within this geometry cannot exist.
yes no. ( a second opinion) A postulate is assumed without proof. Postulate is a word used mostly in geometry. At one time, I think people believed that postulates were self-evident . In other systems, statements that are assumed without proof are called axioms. Although postulates are assumed when you make mathematical proofs, if you doing applied math. That is, you are trying to prove theorems about real-world systems, then you have to have strong evidence that your postulates are true in the system to which you plan to apply your theorems. You could then say that your postulates must be "proved" but this is a different sense of the word than is used in mathematical proving.
Gödel's incompleteness theorem was a theorem that Kurt Gödel proved about Principia Mathematica, a system for expressing and proving statements of number theory with formal logic. Gödel proved that Principia Mathematica, and any other possible system of that kind, must be either incomplete or inconsistent: that is, either there exist true statements of number theory that cannot be proved using the system, or it is possible to prove contradictory statements in the system.
a meaning
In simple terms, Kurt Godel, showed that any axiomatic system must be incomplete. That is to say, it is possible to make a statement such that neither the statement nor its opposite can be proved using the axioms. I expect this is the correct answer though I believe that he proved it for ANY axiomatic system in mathematics - not specifically for whole numbers.
A hypothesis become a theory if it is proved by experimental data. tested; conclusion (apex)
The hypothesis must be able to be proved true or false.
A civil case must be proved by a preponderance of the evidence.
Every statement apart from the axioms or postulates.
Before setting up a database the data must be collected. This can be done using a data capture form.
There are three axioms that must be satisfied for a collection of subsets, t, of set B to be called a topology on B.1) Both B and the empty set, Ø, must be members of t.2) The intersection of any two members of t must also be a member of t.3) The union of any family of members of t must also be a member of t.If these axioms are met, the members of t are known as t-open or simply open, subsets of B.See related links.
Data in datawarehouse must be processed before using it. There are three steps in data processing extraction, transformation and loading.
The sample must have a high probability of representing the population.
The data is well secured when using wireless service. But before transferring the data it must be encrypted for its security. Sometimes there may be data packet loss.
Data protection means that your files and folders will be protected against loss by using data protection software. Data protection also means that companies which gather personally identifiable information must protect that information and must let the person know how they will use that personally identifiable information.