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Q: Base jump minimum height
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What is the minimum height requirement for a cornerback?

There really isn't a minimum height in anything. It depends on how fast you are, how high you can jump, and your reflexes. I would say I wouldn't want a corner any smaller than 5'9. Being 5'9 you will really have to be able to jump well and be super fast. You will be guarding receivers 6'5 and taller that can also jump. I hope this helped, and if this is for a younger guy I wish the best of luck to you!

What height airborne ranger jump from?

1000 - 1500 feet is a typical jump. The Rangers jump from the same height as any other paratrooper does.

Can humans jump from 400000 feet?

no one can jump out from that height

What is the average male vertical jump height?

The average male vertical jump height is around 16 to 20 inches.

Do black people jump higer than white people?

There is no significant difference in the jump height of African or European who are of comparable height.

How can you tie for placement in high jump?

if u jump the same height then you both fail the next height !

How high can an ostrich jump?

what is an ostriches height

How high can an adult jump on Mars?

1 and a half of Earth jump height, approximately

Can goat jump?

Yes. Fairly well! They can jump to a height of 5 feet high.

What is a BASE jump?

A BASE jump is a parachute jump from a fixed point rather than from an aircraft - typically a tall building, high bridge, or rock formation.

I can high jump 4'2'' but I would like to know if there are any drills or anything that could help me improve my height. How can I improve my high jump height?


Highest animal jump?

pumas jump up to fifteen feet (five times its height.