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Q: Because of the varnas represented the most important class in Aryan society. A. warriors B. merchants C. artisans D. priests?
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What was order of main classes during the Tokugawa era from highest to lowest?

Warriors, artisans, merchants, and peasants.

What was the Aryan's caste system?

Listed from most important to least important. 1. Priests 2. Warriors & Rulers 3. Merchants, Farmers, Artisans 4. Manual Laborers 5. Untouchables

What were the three classes of the Mesopotamian society?

Upper class, Middle class, and Lower class

Rank the Gupta social classes in their order of importance and mdash1 being the most important and 5 being the least important.?

The Gupta social classes in order of importance were: Brahmins (priests and scholars) Kshatriyas (warriors and rulers) Vaishyas (merchants and traders) Shudras (laborers and artisans) Dalits (untouchables)

How many castes are in India?

Originally from the time even before Bhudda the priests are Brahmins, the warriors are Kshatriya, the merchants are Vaishya, and the artisans are Shudras. Four was the start but now with Harijan there are many more.

Which social classes existed in Sumeria?

Social Classes: - Upper class contained nobles, priests, government officials and warriors. - Merchants, traders and artisans made up a Middle or "Freeman" Class. - Slavery

How where the social classes of Sumer organized?

Upper: Kings, Warriors, Priests, etc. Middle: Merchants, Farmers, Fishers, Artisans. Lower: Enslaved people, Criminals, Unskilled worked.

Who were member of upper class in Maya society?

The members of the upper class in Maya society were kings, priests, warriors and merchants.

What region did merchants consider themselves equal to warriors?


What was the structure of Japanese society?

The structure of Japanese feudal society is as follows: 1. Emperor. 2. Shogun and daimyo. 3. Samurai warriors. 4. Peasants and artisans. 5. Merchants. The Feudal Society functioned on the basis of fealty (loyalty) to the King for land.

What did the Greeks become Instead of farming?

They combined farming, fishing, trading, artisans, artists, warriors.

What was ancient China's social order?

royal familly,nobles,warriors,artisans,farmers, and slaves