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Q: Begin with a segment and a point not on the segment. fold the paper through the point so that the given line segments lies upon itself?
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Is until an adverb clause?

The word until can BEGIN an adverb clause, but it is not an adverb by itself. The word until is a preposition or conjunction.

Write an assembly language program to find 2's complement of a number FFH?

Code for An Assembly Language Program to find 2's Complement of given binary number in Assembly LanguageData Segment num db 00000010B Data Ends Code Segment Assume cs:code, ds:data Begin: mov ax, data mov ds, ax mov es, ax mov ah, 0000h mov al, num NOT al mov bl, al adc al, 00000001B mov bl, al Exit: mov ax, 4c00h int 21h Code Ends End Begin

At what age can a child begin to think like an adult?

A child will start thinking more mature as they go through puberty, but won't be fully mature until after.

How are frequency and period related in waves?

Mathematically, frequency = (1/Period) Conceptually, the period is how long it takes a wave to begin repeating itself. For example, if I start a stopwatch when the wave reaches its peak, and then stop timing when it reaches its next peak, the time on the stopwatch is the period. The frequency is how far the wave gets in 1 second. Some examples: If it take a wave 30 seconds to go through one cycle, the period is 30 seconds. In 1 second, it gets only 1/30 of the way through its cycle. Its frequency is 1/30 then. If a wave repeats itself 10 times in 1 second, its frequency is 10. It's period must be 1/10 of a second.

What is the verb for begin?

Begin can already be used as a verb. For example, "to begin something" is an action and therefore a verb.

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A Loss of power or the blanking signal is on to begin with.

What paper folding method can be used to form a perpendicular line segment?

Fold the paper along the line. Fold the paper again so that the first fold is folded onto itself and such that the second fold goes through a specified point - if any. The second fold will represent a line that is perpendicular to the first and which passes through the specified point.

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by beeping itself, by ******* itself

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it made itself

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the mesoproterozoic was an era itself not a period.

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I, it and itself are pronouns. They begin with the letter I.

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If you charge the battery and than let it run by itself, the battery will begin to slowly drain without recharging itself as you press the gas. I'm going through what I believe is a busted alternator right now. Give me an hour and I'll tell you how it went.

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State of Union itself mandated in U.S. Constitution.

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it depends what the superstition is, superstition itself is a feeling, something of the mind.