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Q: Besides the term bell curve what other descriptive term can be used for showing how a data set as a whole is spread around the mean?
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There is no evidence showing that the biopsy will spread prostate cancer if cancer is present. And even if it was the case that a biopsy may spread the cancer, the benefits of detecting the cancer far outwieghs the possibility of the cancer being spread around. I mean, finding out that there is cancer means that treatment can commence. By not finding out that you have cancer, it will still eventually spread all on its own anyway.

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Why is calculating the standard deviation an important part of data analysis?

It is a measure of the spread of the results around their expected value.It is a measure of the spread of the results around their expected value.It is a measure of the spread of the results around their expected value.It is a measure of the spread of the results around their expected value.

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Spread It Around - 1970 was released on: USA: 1970

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