

Best Answer

Median is where you put all the numbers in order and then find the middle one.


Mode is where you find the most common number.


Mean is where you add all the numbers and share them by the amount of numbers you started with.


Range is where you find the difference between the biggest number and smallest.

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What is arithmetic median?

It is the number in the middle of the set from least to greatest or greatest to least. If you're having trouble, remember this song: Mean, median, mode.Mean, median, mode. Here's what they are. Here's what they are. The mean is the one that you add then divide. The median is the one in the middle of the line. The mode is the one you see most of the time. Mean, median, mode. Mean, median, mode.

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the median and mode are but the mean is not

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The mean is 19. The median is 18. There is no mode.

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The mean is the average. The median is the middle. The mode is the most common.

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a single number, -3, is its own mean, median, and mode.

What are 3 popular questions about mean median and mode?

3 popular questions about mean,median,mode is whats the mean? whats the mode? whats the median? hope this helps

What is a good way to remember mean median mode?

Here is a fun rhyme to help you remember the three M’s and the R: Hey diddle diddle, the median’s the middle, You add then divide for the mean. The mode is the one that you see the most, And the range is the difference between. Cool, huh?

What is the mean median and mode for 1.6 1.7 1.8?

mean: 1.7 median:1.7 mode: none

What are the mean median range and mode of 5436?

median= 4&3 range=3 mode= no mode

What is an easy way to remember mean and mode?

Well, you can remember mean asadding all the numbers together and dividing it by the amount of numbers given. you can remember mode as the number found most you can remember median as the middle number with the numbers in order from least to greatest