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Q: Binary equivalent of ( and ndash19)10 in signed magnitude system?
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What is the main limitation of sign magnitude representation?

One of the bit patterns is wasted. Addition doesn't work the way we want it to. Remember we wanted to have negative binary numbers so we could use our binary addition algorithm to simulate binary subtraction. How does signed magnitude fare with addition? To test it, let's try subtracting 2 from 5 by adding 5 and -2. A positive 5 would be represented with the bit pattern '0101B' and -2 with '1010B'. Let's add these two numbers and see what the result is: 0101 0010 ----- 0111 Now we interpret the result as a signed magnitude number. The sign is '0' (non-negative) and the magnitude is '7'. So the answer is a postive 7. But, wait a minute, 5-2=3! This obviously didn't work. Conclusion: signed magnitude doesn't work with regular binary addition algorithms.

What is the output of the following signed binary addition 10101011 10010011?

When decoded, that binary says: «“

Signed binary multiplier?

Binary multiplier is taking numbers and using multiplication and division. This is used in math.

Why do you need signed and magnitude representations of binary numbers in computers?

Because the computer has to know how big the number is, and whether it's a positive or negative number. Otherwise, there would be a lot of wrong answers, and people would blame them on the computer.

What is the maximum number represents by 10 bit signed binary digits?


In signed magnitude notation what is the minimum value that can be represented with 8 bits?


What is the lowest value 6 bit number you can have in binary?

000000 is the lowest number in a 6 bit unsigned binary number (meaning the high order bit is not the sign bit). If it is a signed number then the lowest number would be represented by 100000 which is equivalent to -32 in decimal. Highest unsigned number in 6 bits is decimal 63. Highest signed number in 6 bits is decimal 31.

Determine the decimal value of the signed binary number 11101000 expressed in 1s complement?


What is the maximum number represents by 16 bit signed binary digits?

Plus or minus 65,535

Canonical signed digit number representation of a binary number?

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Explain the methods which are available to store negative numbers and how are they used. Which method is mainly used today and why?

signed magnitude, one bit indicates the sign of the number and the other bits indicate the positive magnitude of the number (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)one's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude (this system has two representations for zero: +0 and -0)two's complement, positive numbers are represented as their positive magnitude and negative numbers are represented as the complement of their positive magnitude plus one (this system is asymmetric about zero, with one more negative value than positive)offset binary, numbers are represented as the positive sum of their actual value and an offset (this system is asymmetric about zero, typically with one more negative value than positive)Most modern systems use two's complement for fixed point numbers (because the arithmetic circuitry is simpler than the others) and a combination of signed magnitude and offset binary for floating point numbers (because this format allows the same instructions for comparing fixed point numbers to also be used to compare floating point numbers, reducing the number of different instructions and the circuitry to implement them),

What is the largest magnitude negative signed number that can fit in 6 bits?

If the high-order bit is considered the sign bit then 100000 would represent the largest negative number (in 2's complement - used mostly in computers) which would be equivalent to -32 in decimal