If you were 44 years old at this year:2014, then you would have been born in 1970
She was born in 1979
If they are 33 this year (2012) - they were born in 1979.
1979 is the year you would be born in. Take 2011 and subtract 32
She was born in the year 1979. Her birthday is September 15, 1979.
If you are 44 years old on October 2014, you were born in 1974.
If you were 44 years old at this year:2014, then you would have been born in 1970
Lecrae was born in 1979.
She was born in 1979
1979 She was born in Richmond VA on August 31, 1979.
If they are 33 this year (2012) - they were born in 1979.
the year 1966
2004 - 1979 = 25