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Q: Both the PM10 and PM2.5 units refer to what characteristic of atmospheric particles?
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What are particles of one substance?

Particles of one substance refer to the individual units that make up that specific substance. For example, in a sample of water, the particles would be the individual molecules of H2O. The properties of the substance are determined by the characteristics and interactions of its particles.

What is smaller particle or cells?

Cells are smaller than particles. Cells are the basic structural and functional units of living organisms, while particles refer to tiny pieces of matter, which can include molecules, atoms, or subatomic particles.

What are smallest units of matter?

The smallest units of matter are the subatomic particles.

Are molecules the smallest units with the characteristic properties of a substance?

Yes, molecules are the smallest units of a substance that retain its characteristic properties. They are made up of atoms bonded together, and the arrangement of these atoms gives each molecule its unique properties.

What are the normal units of measuring a vacuum?

The normal units are Pascals below standard atmospheric pressure. However, extremely high quality vacuums are sometimes measured in terms of the number particles per unit volume. Very specialised equipment can create vacuum of one trillionths of atmospheric pressure, or 10 nanoPascals. This is equivalent to around 100 particles per cubic centimetre. However, in outer space, it can go down to only a handful of hydrogen atoms (not even molecules) per cubic metre.

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The answer will depend on what aspect the 21 units refer to!

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The particles in most solids form structural units called?

The particles in most solids from structural units called crystals. Crystals are a solid substance that have a geometrically shaped form.

The energy given off by burning fossil fuels can be measured in?

The energy given off by burning fossil fuels can be measured in joules or kilojoules. This measurement quantifies the amount of heat or energy produced during the combustion process. It helps in understanding the efficiency and environmental impact of using fossil fuels for energy generation.

What are the two units of measurement associated with atmospheric pressure?

1 kilograms and 1 square centimetres

What five letter word that starts with a u would refer to fathom and foot?

Could be UNITS, as in units of measurements.

What does 55x6 in measurement mean?

It could refer to the area of a rectangle that is 55 units long and 6 units deep.