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Q: Both tilak and gokhale hailed from?
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bala gangadhar tilak mohammed ali jinnah gopal krishna gokhale lala lajprt rai

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When was Arvind Gokhale born?

Poorva Gokhale was born in 1978.

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Namita Gokhale was born in 1956.

When was Vidyadhar Gokhale born?

Vidyadhar Gokhale was born in 1924.

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Mahendra Gokhale was born in 1967.

When did Bapu Gokhale happen?

Bapu Gokhale happened in 1817.

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Anupama Gokhale was born in 1969.

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Mohan Gokhale was born in 1954.

When did Arvind Gokhale die?

Arvind Gokhale died in 1992.

Who first said What Bengal thinks today India thinks tomorrow?

Gopal Krishna Gokhale--VGopal Krishna Gokhale