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Q: Bucket of watermeasure of how much you'll be missed?
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How much water does a bucket hold?

It depends on the volume of the bucket.

How much calories does a 1 gallon bucket contain?

That depends on what is in the bucket!

Is bucket an adjective?

No, it is not. The word bucket is a noun, which might be used as a noun adjunct in such terms as bucket brigade or bucket list. (Bucket is much less frequently used as a verb.)

How much water a bucket of water hold?

Depends on the size and shape of the bucket.

How much water does a builders bucket hold?

It depends on the bucket being used. Check the bucket because it might say how many litres the bucket can hold

I missed you so much baby?

I missed me too! ;o)

How do say i missed you this weekend?

"i missed you so much this weekend"

How much water is in a pail?

A bucket holds about 8 litres.

How much does a bucket of chicken cost?

here in North Carolina it is 22 dollars a bucket

What to do when you miss a girl?

find something you enjoy doing by yourself or with some friends. try n ot to tslk about her for that period of time and sooner or later youll make it through the day. remeber at the end of the day show and tell her how much you missed her.

How do you use missing in sentence?

I missed you so much! You missed the spelling exam. How could you have missed the concert!

About how much water does a bucket hold?

It depends on the bucket size, but usually a standard size bucket would hold a few litters of water.