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Steam engines

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Q: By 1820 the US had seen significant progress in transportation in the form of significantly improved?
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What was the outcome of the alliance for progress?

The Alliance for Progress resulted in improved relations between Latin America and the United States. The alliance was initiated by President Kennedy.

What extent do you feel humanity as progress?

Humanity has made significant progress in areas like technology, science, and medicine, leading to improved standards of living, longer life expectancy, and increased accessibility of information. However, challenges persist in tackling issues like climate change, inequality, and social injustice which indicate that there is still room for progress in various aspects of society.

How has transportation improved over the years?

Gasoline consumption is better by about 2 miles per gallon over what the Model A Ford consumed. Now that is real progress.. Well transportation has gotten a lot faster since the wheel was invented from a pottery wheel... And besides, we have steam engines, solar cars, and that all evolved from a simple horse. We can fly!

A sentence with the word progress?

She made significant progress in improving her communication skills through consistent practice and dedication.

Did the Enlightenment improved the human condition?

The Enlightenment was a period of intellectual and cultural growth that emphasized reason, science, and individual rights. It led to advancements in fields such as philosophy, politics, and science, which have had a lasting impact on society. While it's debated whether it significantly improved the human condition overall, it did contribute to the spread of ideas that have led to progress and advancements in various aspects of life.

What is the progress appeal?

Something that is new and improved or for example. NEW crest toothpaste built with a double swirl.

What is Progress Appeal?

Something that is new and improved or for example. NEW crest toothpaste built with a double swirl.

How do you stop traffic congestion?

We can slow it's progress by using public transportation whenever possible.

What are the benefits of civilization to humanity?

Civilization offers benefits such as access to advanced technology, infrastructure for communication and transportation, division of labor for specialization, and establishment of societal norms and laws for order and stability. These factors contribute to improved quality of life, economic development, cultural exchange, and overall progress for humanity.

Name the significant persons who contributed in the technical progress of computer and their contributions.?

Konrad Zuse

How long until a new and improved form for schizophrenia treatment is discovered?

Daily progress is being made. As to your question -- it is unanswerable.

What does the train represent American progress?

It represents economic growth and the changing forms of transportation during manifest destiny