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Q: By how much does the speed of a vehicle moving in a straight line change each second when it is accelerating at 2kmhs?
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When are you most aware of motion in a moving vehicle when it is moving steadily in a straight line or when it is accelerating?


When are you most aware of motion in a moving vehicle - when it is moving steadily in a straight line or when it is accelerating?

You are most aware of motion in a moving vehicle when it is accelerating, as you can feel the change in speed more distinctly. When the vehicle is moving steadily in a straight line, the sensation of motion becomes less noticeable because your body has adapted to the constant speed.

When are you most aware of motion in a moving vehicle--when its moving steadily in a straight line or when it is accelerating?

You are most aware of motion in a moving vehicle when it is accelerating because you can feel the change in speed or direction. When the vehicle is moving steadily in a straight line, the sensation of motion may be less noticeable as there are fewer changes occurring.

What graph shows uniform acceleration of a moving vehicle?

A velocity-time graph would show uniform acceleration of a moving vehicle as a straight line with a constant positive slope, indicating that the vehicle is accelerating at a consistent rate.

Is a jogger moving at a constant speed accelerating?

No, a jogger moving at a constant speed is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the jogger's speed remains constant, there is no acceleration.

If a car is traveling in a straight line at a constant speed is it accelerating?

No, if a car is traveling in a straight line at a constant speed, it is not accelerating. Acceleration refers to a change in speed or direction, which is not occurring in this scenario.

Can a body constant speed still be accelerating with example?

No, a body moving at a constant speed cannot be accelerating. Acceleration is defined as a change in velocity over time, so if the speed of the body remains constant, there is no acceleration. For example, a car moving at a steady 60 mph on a straight road is not accelerating.

When is an object not accelerating?

An object is not accelerating when its velocity remains constant. This means that the object's speed and direction do not change over time, indicating that there is no net force acting on the object.

When a body moving along a straight line is accelerating is it always increasing?


Is a car moving around a curve without changing speed accelerating?

Yes. Even though its speed doesn't change, its velocity does change, therefore it is accelerating.

How can you say that object is accelarated?

If the object's speed is changing, or it's not moving in a straight line, then it's accelerating.

If an object is not accelerating it can exist in what 2 other states of motion?

If an object is not accelerating, it can exist in two other states of motion: constant velocity motion (moving with a steady speed in a straight line) or at rest (not moving at all).