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Q: By what criteria do we choose a set dates as important?
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How are dates important in history?

the dates we select are not important on their own. They become vital because we focus on a particular set of events as important. If our focus of studies changes,if we begin to look at new issues, a new set of dates will appear significant

Using one set of criteria to judge other and a different criteria to judge ourselves is called?

Using one set of criteria to judge others and a different criteria to judge ourselves is called hypocrisy.

Using one set of criteria to judge others and another set of criteria to judge another is called?

Using one set of criteria to judge others and another set of criteria to judge another is called hypocrisy. It involves holding different standards for different people or situations, often leading to inconsistency.

Why is criteria important?

Criteria are important because they provide a set of standards or rules by which a decision or judgment can be made. They help to evaluate options or choices objectively and consistently, ensuring that decisions are made based on relevant factors and considerations. Criteria also help to clarify expectations and can guide the decision-making process towards achieving desired outcomes.

What does the price is right look for in contestants?

As Bob Barker once explained on an episode, there are no set criteria. They just try to choose people whom they think would be pleasant to have on the show.

What are list of criteria?

Criteria are a set of standards or requirements used to evaluate or judge something. They act as guidelines for making decisions or assessments and help clarify what is important or relevant in a given context. Criteria can vary depending on the specific situation or purpose for which they are being used.

What does develop criteria mean?

Developing criteria means establishing a set of standards or requirements that must be met in order to evaluate or make decisions about something. It involves defining what factors are important and how they will be used to measure success or assess performance.

What is pre-set criteria?

Pre-set criteria refers to specific standards, rules, or conditions that are established in advance for evaluating or making decisions about something. These criteria provide a clear framework to guide assessments, selections, or processes.

When chosing a religion is the criteria limited to which set of lies that seems to be the most believable or least distorted or most convoluted or most controlling?

You would choose a religion because you believe it is the truth. If you have reason to believe that a certain religion tells you lies, then don't choose it.

What is one word for set of rules?


What is criteria for success?

Criteria are principals or standards set for which something is to be judged or decided upon. Success is the accomplishment of goals. Criteria for Success is the standards on which success is judged or decided.

What constitutes a domestic partner for health insurance?

Generally, the eligibility criteria is set by the individual employer that has voluntarily offered domestic partner coverage. There is also another set of criteria set by local (and in some cases state) governments who offer domestic partnership registries. The two set of criteria may vary.Generally the criteria are:Both parties must be unmarried.Both parties must live together.Both parties must be financially interdependent.