

CO2 molecular geometry

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: CO2 molecular geometry
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CSe2, carbon dislenide, would have the same molecular geometry as CO2 (carbon dioxide), and that would be linear. Each carbon would be sp hybridized. Se=C=Se

What is the molecular geometry for CO2?

The molecule of carbon dioxide is linear: O=C=O.

Do CO2 and so2 have the same geometry?

No, CO2 has a linear geometry while SO2 has a bent (angular) geometry. This is due to the difference in the number and arrangement of atoms around the central atom.

Is CO2 an ionic compound or molecular?

CO2 is a molecular compound. It is composed of molecules made up of covalently bonded atoms of carbon and oxygen.

Clf4- square planar b clf4 plus linear c no2- t-shaped d brf3 bent e co2 s?

a) ClF4- has a square planar geometry due to its five electron domains, with four bonding pairs and one lone pair. b) ClF4+ has a linear geometry with no lone pairs, resulting in a linear molecular shape. c) NO2- has a T-shaped geometry with three electron domains - one lone pair and two bonding pairs. d) BrF3 has a bent molecular geometry due to the presence of two lone pairs and two bonding pairs around the central atom. e) CO2 has a linear molecular geometry as it has two electron domains and no lone pairs around the central carbon atom.

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NH3 and H2O have a tetrahedral arrangement of all the electrons about the central atom. MgCl2 and CO2 have different arrangements: MgCl2 adopts a linear geometry due to Mg's +2 charge and Cl's -1 charge, while CO2 has a linear molecular geometry due to its linear molecule shape.

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What is the bond angle for co2?

The bond angle for CO2 is 180 degrees. This is because carbon dioxide has a linear molecular geometry due to the two oxygen atoms being located on opposite sides of the carbon atom.

Does carbon dioxide or oxygen difluoride have a larger bond angle?

Oxygen difluoride (OF2) has a larger bond angle than carbon dioxide (CO2). OF2 has a bond angle of around 103 degrees, while CO2 has a bond angle of 180 degrees due to its linear molecular geometry.