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C program for sorting the numbers is very basic, start writing it and if you are having problems, post your program here and a description of the problem and you will be helped.

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Q: C program for sorting the numbers?
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Ascending order program for java?

public class BubbleSortAscendingOrderDemo { public static void main(String a[]) { //Numbers which need to be sorted int numbers[] = {23,5,23,1,7,12,3,34,0}; //Displaying the numbers before sorting System.out.print("Before sorting, numbers are "); for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i]+" "); } System.out.println(); //Sorting in ascending order using bubble sort bubbleSortInAscendingOrder(numbers); //Displaying the numbers after sorting System.out.print("Before sorting, numbers are "); for(int i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { System.out.print(numbers[i]+" "); } }

How do write sorting of numbers using microprocessor?

There are several methods available to sort numbers. A simple way to program sorting is the so-called "bubble-sort". This is inefficient for larger lists of numbers; in which case it is more convenient to use one of the faster algorithms, for example, "quick-sort".

Types of sorting in 8085 microprocessor?

Sorting is not a microprocessor specific thing. Sorting requires a program and, as such, is not dependent on which microprocessor is involved.

How do you write a C plus plus program that will display the first 10 positive prime numbers?

By learning how to program on C+.

Program to print sorting of an array?

For program in C language: Program in C++: #include #include void main() { int i,j,n,t,a[50]; clrscr(); cout"%d",&n; cout

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What is is sorting?

sorting can be described as the arrangement of text/numbers either in Ascending or Descending order

Using only one program implement bubble sorting insertion sorting quick sorting and selection sorting?

Its simple!dirve a menu based prog by using switch case & then apply every sorting function to it.

How to write a C program to find largest 2 numbers using pointers?

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Write a program for sorting for numbers without repited values?

Any number variable is extends the Number in java and it already implemented Comparable interface. So when you have a list of numbers, just use Arrays.sort().

What is the code for arranging numbers in c language?

That depends on the sorting algorithm you'd like to use. Usually, Quick-sort is good enough for your purposes, but if your application needs to be fast, you might want to read some documents about sorting.

Write a 'c' program to fine a largest of three numbers?

largest of a, b, c :a > b ? a > c ? a : c : b > c ? b : c