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6% of 2500 is 150

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Q: Calculate the gross pay for an annual salary of 29763 plus a commission of 6 percent on sales of 2500?
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$45,763.50 4.5% commission on $900.00 = 0.045 x 900 = $40.50 William receives his commission of $40.50 PLUS his base pay of $45,723.00. = $40.50 + $45,723.00 = $45,763.50

How do you calculate annual salary into weekly rate?

Divide it by 52.

How do you calculate anal salary to her gross pay per week?


Old hourly salary to new hourly salary calculate annual percentage increase?

New Salary minus Old Salary equals Change. (N-O=C) Change divided by Old Salary times 100 equals Percent Increase. ((C/O)x100=P)

How do you calculate a 2.5 percent increase in salary?

Multiply your current salary by 1.025 times.

How much of an employees annual salary cost to replace an employee?

52 percent

How do you calculate weekly pay into annual salary?

with a calculator. (multiply weekly times 52)

What is commission sales?

When you are paid on a commission basis, you receive a certain percent of the price of the goods/services you sold, rather receiving a wage or salary.