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F = M x A

F = 100 kg x 10 m/s2

F = 1000 N

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Q: Calculate the weight of a cow if the mass is 100 kg and the force of gravity is 10N?
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How weight and force related?

Weight is the force exerted on an object by gravity, measured in newtons (N). The force of gravity acting on an object determines its weight. The formula to calculate weight is weight = mass x gravity, where mass is the amount of matter in an object and gravity is the acceleration due to gravity.

How are weight and gravitationa force related?

Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. It is proportional to an object's mass and the acceleration due to gravity. The formula to calculate weight is weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity.

The force with which gavity attracts a body?

The force with which gravity attracts a body is called weight. It depends on the mass of the body and the acceleration due to gravity. The formula to calculate weight is weight = mass x acceleration due to gravity.

How is mass weight and gravity are connected?

Mass is the amount of matter an object contains, weight is the force of gravity pulling on an object's mass. The formula to calculate weight is weight = mass x gravity. Gravity is what gives objects weight and determines how much they weigh on Earth relative to their mass.

Does mass and weight make gravity?

Mass is a measure of how much matter is in an object, while weight is the force of gravity acting on that object. Gravity is the force of attraction between objects with mass, so mass and gravity are related in that gravity acts on objects with mass to create weight.

How can you measure mass?

Weight them under gravity or calculate from momentum of impact or spring load under centripetal force in space. Then refer the weight or the force to the gravity of earth at 9.81m/s2 and account for its' weight under earth gravity.

How is gravity different from mass and weight?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, weight is the force of gravity acting on an object due to its mass, and gravity is the natural force of attraction between objects with mass. In simple terms, mass is what an object is made of, weight is the force with which it is pulled down by gravity, and gravity is what causes that force.

Is mass and weight a force?

Mass and weight are not forces.But weight or a pull of gravity of an object with mass has force

What is mass multiplied by gravity?

Force or weight Force= mass X acceleration gravity is an acceleration (9.8m/s2) Weight = mass X acceleration due to gravity

The amount of force gravity puts on an object?

The force of gravity on an object is determined by its mass and the acceleration due to gravity. The formula to calculate this force is: force of gravity = mass of the object Ɨ acceleration due to gravity. On Earth, the acceleration due to gravity is approximately 9.81 m/s^2.

How do you get weight if you know the mass of something?

To calculate weight from mass, you can use the formula Weight = Mass x Gravity, where Gravity is typically taken as 9.81 m/sĀ² on Earth. This formula gives you the force exerted by gravity on an object, which is what we refer to as weight.

Mass times acceleration due to gravity?

The product of an object's mass and acceleration due to gravity is equal to its weight. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity, and it is a measure of the gravitational force acting on the object. The formula to calculate weight is W = m * g, where W is the weight, m is the mass of the object, and g is the acceleration due to gravity.