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Q: Calculation of running time of insertion sort?
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What is insertion sorts in worst case time?

Best case for insertion sort is O(n), where the array is already sorted. The worst case, where the array is completely reversed, is O(n*n).

Which algorithm is more efficient- insertion sort algorithm or merge sort algorithm?

On average merge sort is more efficient however insertion sort could potentially be faster. As a result it depends how close to reverse order the data is. If it is likely to be mostly sorted, insertion sort is faster, if not, merge sort is faster.

What is the main idea behind insertion sort?

The main idea of insertion sort is to consider each element at a time into an appropriate position relative to the sequence of previously ordered elements,such that the resulting sequence is also ordered.

How do you write a program that accepts 50 integer values and sort them in basic programming?

Create an array with 50 elements and input the integers one a time, filling the array. Use an insertion sort on the array for each input except the first. Alternatively, input the values first and then use insertion sort.

How do you determine the processing time of a java insertion sort program?

You store the starting time to a variable, run the process, store the end time to another variable, then subtract.

How do you improve insertion sort algorithm?

If there was a way, it would be the new insertion sort! Theoretically you could reduce the time by using a linked list and searching to the position it needs to be inserted and inserting it. In practice however you would be better off simply using a different sort, especially if you don't want your data in a linked list. Selection sort is better when writing is expensive. Quicksort and Mergesort are faster on large data sets.

What would be the worst case time complexity of the insertion sort algorithm if the inputs are restricted to permutation of N with at most n inversions?


Why insertion sort is not suitable for large volume of data?

Mainly because of speed. Insertion sort moves data every time a value is inserted, so execution time rises more or less exponentially with volume of data. There are much better sorting algorithms for large amounts of data, for example quicksort, which moves data fewer times before the list is fully sorted.

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There are many reasons a person should do a student loan payment calculation. Doing this sort of calculation can help a person to save thousands of dollars over the course of an educational experience. Without doing this sort of calculation, a person can end up taking out extra loans due to unnecessary spending. If a student knows how much he or she will need to eventually repay in loans, then he or she may be more frugal in the present time. A person may not spend as much money during his college years with a good understanding of the interest he or she will owe.

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What is the difference between insertion sort and selection sort?

Both bubble sort and selection sort are in-place sorts, which means they require no additional space to sort. Both are O(n). Both also share worst/average case time complexities of O(n2). Selection sort also has O(n2) for a best case scenario, while an intelligent bubble sort implementation will have O(n) for a best case (already sorted) scenario. Note that while looking at the numbers above seem to show that bubble sort has a slight edge over selection sort, in practice you should choose selection over bubble. It will very nearly always perform better in real-time tests.

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