The number which we divide is called the dividend. The number by which we divide is called the divisor. The result obtained is called the quotient.
A divisor is a number that divides another number, also known as the dividend, without leaving a remainder. The quotient, on the other hand, is the result of dividing the dividend by the divisor. In other words, the quotient is the answer to a division problem. The divisor and the quotient are related in that the divisor is used to divide the dividend and obtain the quotient.
Oh, dude, dividing 750 by 30 is like dividing a pizza into 30 slices and trying to eat 750 of them. So, you would end up with 25 slices per person if there were 30 people at the pizza party. Or you could just use a calculator and get the answer of 25 without all the pizza math.
I.Q. stands for Intelligence quotient. used since 1955
There is a special test I think you can get a specialist to come round to your house and test you and then they will tell you your IQ based on the results.
It comes before the 65.
it is a person
You can use multiplication to check a quotient because, if you think about it, division is like algebra with multiplication.Lets say you have the problem 49/749/7 is 7, right? So you check by taking the answer (7) and the divisor (7) and multiply it to check.Does 7x7=49? Yes, it does!The quotient is right if you multiply the divisor by the quotient and get the dividend.Another example for your benefit:153/3You do the calculations wrong, but you are smart enough to check to find out you did this.Lets say you think that 153/3=13.You check by doing: 13x3.When you are done calculating 13x3, you get 39.BUT you didn't get 39 when dividing.So this proves that 13 IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT the answer.You divide again and get 51.Being the smart person you are, you check that answer.51x3=153By checking, you got it right!
No, the -or or -er at the end of a word means that person or thing is doing it: driver, editor, operator, thinker, writer, employer. So the divisor divides.
We are looking for leaders; explain to me why you are that person?
It is their intelligence quotient, the high the score that smarter the person.
Well, if the person thinks that you are related to him then explain that you are not. After he believes you, spend more time with him and when you become closer slowly let him know that you have feelings for him. You don't want to just say I'm not related to you and i think your hot.
It might help to think of a division (with remainder) as "evenly distributing" some items - for example, give the same number of apples to each person. The "remainder" is whatever is LESS than the number of people (the divisor), so you can't continue distributing one more apple FOR EACH PERSON. If the remaining apples is greater than the number of people, or equal to them, you can distribute one more for each.
No, da Vinci was not the first person to explain why the sky is blue. John Tyndall was the fist person to begin to explain this phenomenon in 1859.
Oh, dude, dividing 750 by 30 is like dividing a pizza into 30 slices and trying to eat 750 of them. So, you would end up with 25 slices per person if there were 30 people at the pizza party. Or you could just use a calculator and get the answer of 25 without all the pizza math.
The asterisk next to a name typically indicates that there is additional information or a special note related to that person. It can signify that the person has achieved something noteworthy or that there are specific conditions or exceptions that apply to them.
Adam Smith