Assuming you meant "nonexistent", it means someone that does not exist.
The law of constant composition for compounds is a law in chemistry according to which any given compound always contains the same component elements in the same ratios, by mass. The ratios do not depend on where the compound comes from or the way in which it was produced.
Please give the sentence that you found it in, since there is no such word as you have spelled it. Perhaps you meant " ponder ".
i meant the question A circle has a radius of 26 cm. what is the diameter of this circle? please answer.
If this is a math question, and I think you meant it to be, then the answer is that you earn $10 for 4 days, equaling out to 40$ over the course of 4 days.
i don't know I need the answer.....please someone answer it!!!!!!
my gamertag is ugaaa5. What i meant is that on the iphone app you can send the armor affect out to 7 other people and was wondering if someone could please do it for me.
Hockey would probably be the best answer. But if you meant shoes with actual swords sticking out of them and not what I assumed you meant, ice skates, then someone please correct me.
evoke passion and strong emotions.
It is a composition of great variety of igneous, metaphoric, and sedimentary rocks.
Someone may be calling you cinnamon the same way as a person calls another person honey or dear. It's meant as an endearing comment.
Please the listener
In the context I've heard it used, it meant "Please, go ahead" or "Please, do it."
I think the answer is 100m but I am not sure it is that simple
(Apex) Serenade and divertimento.
What I meant was: could someone download the videos from veoh and send them to please! This is unrelated to the first question which was about the itouch. Please I would really appreciate it!!!