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Q: Can 0 negative blood receive 0 positive?
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Blood 0 plus can receive what type?

O blood type can only receive blood type only from O, and blood type O can give blood to all other blood types, but obly receive blood from it self General Rule : O is general donnor but limited receiver.

Can parents with AB positive and A negative blood have a baby with 0 negative blood?


Can parents having same blood group 0 positive give birth to a child with blood group 0 negative?

Yes, parents with blood group O positive can have a child with blood group O negative. This is possible if one parent is heterozygous for the Rh factor (one parent has both positive and negative Rh alleles), allowing for the possibility of the child inheriting the negative Rh factor.

What blood type does a 0 negative and a b positive make?

An O negative parent and a B positive parent can have children with blood types O positive or O negative, as well as B positive or B negative.

Can A positive blood and AB negative blood create 0 positive blood?

No. A parent with AB blood cannot have a child with O blood type.

What types of receipients can receive Type B blood?

Type O or type A broadly speaking. it also depends on other proteins found on the surface of donated blood cells such as rhesus proteins. someone can be rhesus plus or rhesus minus meaning they either have the protein or don't. You can only receive blood of the same rhesus type of as your own for example: A rhesus positive can only receive A rhesus positive or O rhesus positive

Can blood type o and blood type ab make blood type a positive?

It depends on who the recipient is. An A+ recipient may receive O+ blood ; an O+ recipient cannot receive A+ blood. An A+ recipient may receive A+, A-, O+, or 0- blood. An O+ recipient may receive O+ or O- blood.

Is 0 positive blood type common?

O positive is a very common blood type. It is the most common blood type today. There are not many people with O negative. O negative is very rare.

Who can a person with 0- blood donate to?

Everyone (any blood type) O negative is known as the universal donor. They can only receive O negative.

Can a child be 0 negative if the mother is 0 positive and father A positive?

Yes, the child of these parents could have either blood type O+, O-, A+, or A-.

Why cant a woman that is rh negative donate blood?

This not entirely true while an Rh- person can not receive Rh+ blood due to the fact as stated above an Rh+ person can receive Rh- blood because there is no Rh in the blood. This is why O- people are universal donors meaning they are able to give blood to anyone, but can only receive 0- blood.

What is a negative plus a negative minus a positive?

0, Because you don't know how negative or how positive! 0, Because you don't know how negative or how positive!