101 is a prime number; it has no composite factors.
101 is a prime number and thus can only be divided by one and itself.
Any of its factors
the remainder of the given number when divided by 7
101 is a prime number; it has no composite factors.
you look and see that 101 is a prime number which means it cant be divided by any other number than one. this means that there is NOT a factor tree AT ALL for this number. you may just writeas an answer to the question that 101 is a prime number. hope you do well!!
101 is a prime number and thus can only be divided by one and itself.
Any of its factors
the remainder of the given number when divided by 7
The number 303 can be factored into: 303 = 3 * 101. Thus, 303 is divisible by 1, 3, 101, and 303.
Yes, but since 101 is a prime number it can only be divided evenly by one and itself.
Any number can be divided by any number but not come out as a whole number,
Any number is divided by 1 is that number.