28 with remainder 16.
Well, honey, 16 can go into 28 a grand total of 1 time with a remainder of 12. It's simple math, darling. Just divide 28 by 16 and you'll see that 16 fits in there snugly once, but there's still a little leftover bit of 12 hanging around.
7 with remainder 16.
16 goes into 28 eqally 1 time
no you have to be between the ages of 16 and 28 sorry
6 times with a remainder of 16
31 times with 16 remaining
28 + 16 = 44
28 is 175% of 16.
16 out of 28 is 57.14%
Median of 16 and 28 is (16+28)/2 = 22
28 over 16 would be: 28/16 = 7/4