43 is an integer and so cannot be reduced.
The fraction 43/100 cannot be reduced any more!
43 seconds is 43/60 of a minute.
Reduced 60%
43 is an integer and so cannot be reduced.
The fraction 43/100 cannot be reduced any more!
43 seconds is 43/60 of a minute.
60 ÷ 43 = 1 with remainder 17
To find the fraction of 1 hour that is 43 minutes, you need to convert 43 minutes to hours. Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, 43 minutes is equal to 43/60 hours. This simplifies to 0.7167 hours. Therefore, the fraction of 1 hour that is 43 minutes is 43/60 or approximately 0.7167.
No, it cannot.
Reduced 60%
43/10 already exists as its simplest reduced fractional form. It cannot be reduced any further evenly.