Both. I've met men and women named the same.
Convert 52% into a decimal. 52%=.52 .52•83=43.16
52% (52/100)*100 = 52
60% of 52= 60% * 52= 0.6 * 52= 31.2
The Powerpuff Girls had 79 and the Powerpuff Girls Z anime series has 52 episodes .
125 or 52 for girls
lol yes and ugly men admire ugly girls
Men like nude girls because it might give them the "Sexual Excitement" that most men enjoy. and girls look better because men like boobs and butts
peacock are men peahen are girls
Not all girls like men with a slight built. Some girls like skinny guys while some others like big guys. Girls have different tastes in men as men do in girls. Girls r hot XD
sudanese men love ethiopian girls most.
52 episodes
i am doing a project on stanford and found out that § 48% Women § 52% Men
God made girls more sexual then boys
gay men arnt interested in dating girls