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You are confusing the units.

  • If 80 watts can power a device for a second, the same 80 watts can power the same device for a year - assuming the generator, or whatever produces the power, continues working. A watt is a unit of power (energy / time), not a unit of energy. Thus, since you are using units of power, the 16 hours are completely irrelevant to the problem.
  • Nor can you directly compare watts and volts. The relationship is: power = voltage x current. In SI units: watts = volts x amperes. If a device uses less than or equal to 80 watts, your 80 watts will be enough; otherwise they won't. If the specifications of an electrical device only specify volts and amperes, multiply them to get the watts required.
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Q: Can 80 watts power a 12 volt for 16 hours day?
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To compute the electrical consumption of a device, you need to know the power rating of the device in watts and the duration of use in hours. The formula is Power (in watts) x Time (in hours) = Energy consumption (in watt-hours or kilowatt-hours). You can use this information to estimate the cost of running the device by multiplying the energy consumption by your electricity rate.

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To calculate the electricity produced in one day, you would need to multiply the power output of the source (in watts) by the number of hours the source is operational in one day (typically 24 hours). This will give you the total energy produced in watt-hours (Wh) for that day. You can convert this to kilowatt-hours (kWh) by dividing by 1,000.

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When the motor is running it uses the same power - number of watts - all the time. To find the energy used (in watt-hours) you multiply the watts used by the total time in hours. So if it uses 500 watts and is on for 3 minutes each hour, it uses 500x3/60 watt hours each hour, or 600 watt-hours in one day.

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40 W is the power in this case. Whether you have it on a second, or 24 hours, the power will always be 40 W. Now, if it is actually the energy you want to calculate, multiply the power by the time to get the energy. In units: watts x seconds = joules or: kilowatts x hours = kWh

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Does a light bulb use the watts listed in a year or a day?

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A standard 4 foot baseboard heat will consume 1000 watts/1Kilowatt. So if you could calculate how many hours per day/week/month you can multiply the hours by power consumption and getKWh(Kilowatt Hours) per month.