The prime factorization of 97 is 97 itself, as it is a prime number and cannot be divided evenly by any other numbers. Therefore, there is no prime factorization tree for the number 97.
Itself and one because 97 is a prime number
1261 can be divided by any number. For whole number example: 1261 / 13 = 97 For decimal number example: 1261 / 7 = 180.142857143
Yes, these will: 1 and 97.
Any number can be divided by any number but not come out as a whole number,
Any number is divided by 1 is that number.
It is: 45 divided by 45/97 = 97
any number divided by 1 it is itself 1 divided by 2 = 1 it is veryy easy so pls like