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Q: Can A line and a plane are considered parallel if they have no points in common?
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Are a line and a plane considered parallel if they have no points in common?

Yes, that's pretty much the definition of parallel.

Two lines in the same plane are what if they have no common points?


What is two lines in the same plane if they have no common points?

The lines are PARALLEL.

Which term applies to two lines in the same plane if they have no common points?


What are the characteristics of parallel lines?

Parallel lines lying in a plane do not intersect each other. They share exactly zero points in common.

What are Two lines are if they lie in the same plan and have no points in common?

If there are no common points but both lines lie n the same plane they are considered "coplanar points"

What are lines that have no points in common?

Answer: Two lines that never touch or have any points in common are parallel. If there was a slight angle difference with one of the lines, they would eventually cross somewhere. Perfectly parallel lines will always remain parallel and will never cross each other. Answer: If they are also in the same plane, they are said to be parallel.

What are two coplanar lines called that have no points in common?

Coplanar lines that do not intersect (have no common point) are parallel.Two objects are coplanar if they both lie in the same plane, they must either intersect or be parallel.

What is the locus of all points in a plane equidistant from two parallel lines in the plane?

It's another line, parallel to both of the first two and midway between them.

Can lines on different planes be parallel?

Yes, they can. Since three points define a plane, take any two points on one line and a point on the other line, and form the plane with those three points. Once you have that, then use Euclid's test to see if they are parallel. Alternately, if the planes themselves are parallel, then the lines are as well, since they definitely will never intersect.

How is the locus of points equidistant from two parallel lines in a plane constructed?

you dont

What is produced when you slice a cone with a plane that is parallel to the bass of the cone?

The points where the cone and plane intersect will form a circle.