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Any large random sample from a group of people will be representative of the entire group.True


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Q: Can Any large random sample from a group of people will be representative of the entire group?
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Purpose of random assignment and using a representative sample in research?

To get a more accurate estimate of the entire population.

What You decide you want your sample to be representative of the population. Which sampling process would provide the most representative sample?

A simple random sample.

A random sample should be taken from?

A random sample should be taken from an entire population.

How can you determine whether a sample is representative of a population?

Take a simple random sample.

What is a survey of a representative sample of the population called?

Random selection.

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Answer this question… a representative sample.

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The purpose of random sampling in a poll is to ensure what?

the sample is a representative crossection of the public

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It helps you nawser

When can statistics be used to gain information about a population from a sample?

When the sample - whether it is random or systematic - is somehow representative of the population.

You decide to select ten percent of the inmates in a prison to receive a survey. You decide you want your sample to be representative of the population. Which sampling process would provide the most representative sample?

a stratified random sample

Will Random sample always accurately predict the outcomes of an entire population?

No. Only a census can ACCURATELY predict the outcomes: a random sample cannot.