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Q: Can Atrovent be mixed with pulmicort?
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Are atrovent and proventil the same?

No, Atrovent (ipratropium) and Proventil (albuterol) are not the same. Atrovent is an anticholinergic medication that helps to relax the muscles around the airways, while Proventil is a bronchodilator medication that helps to open up the airways by relaxing the muscles in the airways. They are often used together to treat conditions like COPD or asthma.

Should perforomist and pulmicort be used in a nebulizer together?

Yes the two are compatible together.

If your 3-year-old son needs pulmicort and abuterol can these be taken together or after his morning pulmicort do you wait 4 hours before giving him abuterol?

Yes. It just takes a little longer. Also, if your child is having an asthma attack and while on Pulmicort my Asthma MD recommended increasing his Pulmmicort as soon as his cold developes .5m 2/day...until the cold goes away. Getting that inflamtion down is key! Vics Vapor rub at night is a must also with colds...keep that mucus from settling in at night.

What are achticholinergics?

drugs.Ipratropium bromide (atrovent) and atropine sulfate are achticholinergic drugs used for the treatment of asthma. Ipratropium is used for treating asthmatics in emergency situations with a nebulizer.

What are common EMT mistakes?

Thinkning they know everything. Kidding. Not holding c-spine on a patient that has encountered a fall or accident of any sort. Missing obvious indicators of a serious emergency that requires ALS. Getting Albuterol and Atrovent mixed up. Holding the epi pen the wrong side down and getting stabbed in the thumb....just to name a few.

How long do inhaled steroids such as pulmicort or asmanex stay in a child's system after they are discontinued?

According to my pediatrician, inhaled corticosteroids last approximately a few days (at the most).

Why atropine is given in bronchial asthma?

atropine is use to combat bronchospasm. most commonly as the ipratropium bromide. bronchospasm is one means by which asthma occurs. btw atropine is used mostly in emergency medecine. atrovent is used more for maintenance therapy

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Mixed!mixed mixed! :d

Is a mixed number into a mixed fraction the same thing?

Mixed numbers and mixed fractions are the same thing.

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If your mother is mixed and your dad is black does that mean you are mixed?

Yes, you are mixed.