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Yes any age can fly with someone not their parent.

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Q: Can a 14 year old fly with her 18 year old sister?
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How do you get a 14 year old sister in trouble if your a 9 year old boy?

tell on them

Can a 14 year old sister take care of a 12 year old sister?

legally, i think so, but it depends on how mature they are

Is it legal for a 14 year old to babysit her sister overnight in Alaska?

I'm not entirely sure, but if you think the 14 year old can be trusted with babysitting her sister, you should be alright.

Your sister is 14 years old and your mother is moving out of state to live with her boyfriend her father used to be abusive so she doesnt want to live with him can her 21 year old sister get custody?

If the mother puts in writing that the 14 year old can stay with her 21 year old sister, i believe so. If not, you can go to court and tell the judge that the father is abusive and has been in the past and the sister is legal and stable enough to take care of the 14 year old.

What do you do when your 16 year old sister freaks out about ghosts and your only 14?

freak out with her

Why is an 18 year old's 14 year old sister so annoying and tattles everything her brother does?

Haha, well because that's their sister. They like to annoy their sibblings.

How old is Keyshia Cole's sister's daughter?

14 Cause its been a year rite.?

What is a good prank to play on your 14 year old sister?

poo on her when shes sleeping

Can a 14-year-old fly Air Canada alone?

Yes, a 14 year old can fly by themselves on Air Canada. The Unaccompanied Minor (UM) service is optional for ages 12 to 17. See the related link below for more information.

Should your 14 year old son have a bigger butt than his 17 year old sister?

Physical characteristics can vary greatly among individuals, including within the same family. It's important to focus on health rather than comparing specific body parts. If you have concerns about your children's growth or development, consulting with a medical professional can provide more insight and guidance.

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Can 14 year olds fly on easy jet?

Yes, they can go alone from the age of 14! My sister has just turned 14 and she went on holiday for her birthday with her friends so you can still go with other people but you can go alone from when you are 14