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Yes, but probably not by much.

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Q: Can a 5'11 17 year old boy still grow taller My Father is 6'0 and my Mother is 5'6. My Grandfather is 6'3 and my distant cousin is 7'4?
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How are you related to your mothers mothers fathers mothers father?

Your mother's husband is your father. His father-in-law is your mother's father, your grandfather. Your grandfather's son is your mother's brother, and your uncle. Your uncle's daughter is your first cousin.

Who is the odd one out father grandfather mother sister cousin uncle and aunt?

mother as she is not related to grandfather as others are....

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Your mother's husband is your father. His father-in-law is your mother's father, your grandfather. Your grandfather's son is your mother's brother, and your uncle. Your uncle's daughter is your first cousin.

What is my daughter's relation to her grandfather's brother's son?

Your daughter's grandfather's brother's son is her mother's or father's first cousin and her first cousin, once removed.

What do you call your mother's brother's father's sister's father's son?

Your mother's Father's sisters, no matter how many there are, would still just be his sister. Her mother is also his mother, your great grandmother, and her son would be your grandfather or your great uncle.

What is my grandfathers brother relations to my son?

Your daughter's grandfather's brother's son is her mother's or father's first cousin and her first cousin, once removed.

How are you related to your great grandfather's great niece?

Your great grandfather's great niece is the grandchild of his brother or sister. That makes her the second cousin of your mother or your father, and therefore your second cousin, once removed.

Is it possible for your cousin to be the daughter of your grandfather's daughter?

Yes, it is possible for your cousin to be the daughter of your grandfather's daughter. This is how it would work: Your mother would be your grandfather's daughter. If your mother had a sister, she would also be your grandfather's daughter. Your mother's sister would be your aunt. And if your aunt had a daughter, she would be your cousin.

What is your grandfather's cousin's second cousin in relation to you?

You could easily be unrelated to your grandfather's cousin's second cousin.If the two of you are descended from a common ancestor, the closest relationship possible between the two of you is second cousin, twice removed.If your grandfather's cousin is not his first cousin, then the relationship is more distant.

What is the relationship of your father's father's brother's son's mother's sister?

Your grandfather's brother's son is your first cousin, once removed. His mother is your great aunt (or grand aunt), but her sister is not related to you.

What relation is my father's grandfather to me?

Your father's brother's son is your first cousin. Your father's brother's grandson is your first cousin, once removed.

How are you related to your cousin's baby?

The child of your First Cousin, and you are First Cousin's, Once Removed.