If you are 52 years old in 2009, you were born in 1957
There are 52 weeks in a year. A child who is exactly 10 years old has lived for 10 x 52 weeks, which equals 520 weeks.
52 weeks in a year A year has 52 weeks, and 53 Thursdays at the most There are 52 weeks in a year.
52 weeks = ONE year !
May be 52 or 53. There are 52 Thursdays in year 2010
The average weight for a 50 to a 52 year old is 150 pounds.
what is the average running time for a 52 year old female.
She is 52 Year's old!
No, a 52 year old cannot joint the US Navy.
If you are 52 years old in 2009, you were born in 1957
It depends on the 52 year old person....size....sex.....activity level...etc.
52 or 23
As today is the 2nd January 2010, and you are currently 52 years old you were born in the year 1957.
52 this year (2010)
There are 52 weeks in a year. A child who is exactly 10 years old has lived for 10 x 52 weeks, which equals 520 weeks.