

Best Answer

No, she is not old enough. Something could happen in 15 minutes.

The youngest legal age to stay home alone, not babysitting, is 12 years old.

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Q: Can a 7 year old watch her 4 yr old brother for 15 minutes after school in the home?
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You walked from home to school in 30 minutes your brother takes 40 minutes your brother leaves home 5 minutes before you do If I leave at 7h00 at what time will I overtake him?

You will overtake him at 7h15. As you take 30 minutes to complete the entire distance, you will be exactly halfway after 15 minutes (half of 30 is 15), making it 7h00 + 15 minutes = 7h15. As your brother takes 40 minutes to complete the entire distance, he will be exactly halfway after 20 minutes (half of 40 is 20), making it 6h55 + 20 minutes = 7h15. So, at 7h15 you will both be exactly halfway, the point at which you meet, and thus the point and time at which you overtake him.

Marla drives her car to school each day If it takes her 12 minutes to drive one way how many hours a week does Marla spend driving express answer in decimal form?

Assuming she's driving to school 5 days a week, she spends 120 minutes (or 2 hours) driving. Since it takes her 12 minutes one way, you know that it must take her 24 minutes both ways, since she needs to get home from school. If she's going to school 5 days a week, you have to multiply 24 minutes by 5 days to get a total of 120 minutes per week.

How do you get ready for school in 30 minutes?

1. Wake up (1 minute to get up) 2. Go to the bathroom ( 4 - 6 minutes) 3. Brush your teeth ( 2 minutes) 4. Take a shower ( 6 minutes at LATEST) 5. Put on body lotion ( 5 minutes) 6. Put on your clothes and shoes (3 minutes) 7. Brush and do your hair however you want ( 5 minutes) 8. (OPTIONAL) If you eat at home ( 2 minutes) 9. Leave for school ( EATING AND SOME OTHER THINGS MIGHT TAKE LONGER.LONGEST TIME SHOULD BE 40 MINUTES)

Mr Hoffman a science teacher drove 10 miles to school in 20 minutes He drove the 10 miles home in 30 min His average velocity was?


Where will the comma go After school she needs to walk home do her homework and wash dishes?

The correct place is following the word home in the sentence, as follows: After school she needs to walk home, do her homework and wash dishes.

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You walked from home to school in 30 minutes your brother takes 40 minutes your brother leaves home 5 minutes before you do If I leave at 7h00 at what time will I overtake him?

You will overtake him at 7h15. As you take 30 minutes to complete the entire distance, you will be exactly halfway after 15 minutes (half of 30 is 15), making it 7h00 + 15 minutes = 7h15. As your brother takes 40 minutes to complete the entire distance, he will be exactly halfway after 20 minutes (half of 40 is 20), making it 6h55 + 20 minutes = 7h15. So, at 7h15 you will both be exactly halfway, the point at which you meet, and thus the point and time at which you overtake him.

What school did Miley Cyrus and her brother and sister went to?

Two words (i think)...HOME...SCHOOLED

How do I watch Dwight Howard Superman dunk with Youtube blocked at my school?

Go to the library, watch at home, go to a friends house or on TV

Where did President George Washington attend school?

in college

What do french children do at the end of their school day?

at the end of the school day French schoolboys get home and have a snack. Then they do their homework, or play, or watch TV.

Can a boy 14 watch brother 11 while mom gambles?

no that is a pretty bad mom if she is leaving her kids at home to go gamble

In what four ways is socialization by schools different from socialization by the family?

at school you can get away from it if it turns out bad at home you live with them forever and it is hard to get them to forget at school you can say anything and people will agree at home your parents may ask you why you are thinking that anyways at school you can talk to you friends at home you are talking to your mom or dad or brother or sister at school things get out at home you can ask maybe an older sister or brother and they actually will understand because they were your age so they went through the same things or same thoughts

How long does the power have to be out before they send you home from school?

about 30 minutes to an hour depending on your state or area.

What can you do fun when your home from school sick?

When you are home sick you can watch your favorite T.V. show. Maybe playing a video game would be fun too.

Does Blanket Jackson go to school?

Blanket is still home schooled because of his age, when he gets a little older he will probably be sent to a proper school like his brother and sister.

How do you get your brother to watch what you want ontv?

Its quite simple. And there is a method for if your brother is older or younger than you. Younger brother is watching a dumb show... you walk in and say "dude can I watch with you?" he says "sure watever" and you sit down. 5 minutes later you say "hey u want to see something cool that mom and dad would never let you watch and I heard ((little brother's friend)) talking about?" He is excited and wants to be cool and says ya and u watch ur show. Older brother is watching TV... you watch for 5 minutes and then leave the room. Return with a snack. He will ask for some and tell him that mom just came home from the grocery store and there's tons of stuff. He leaves at lightning speed and you change the channel quickly and take the batteries out of the remote. He returns ((either with food or unhappy because you lied to him)) and notices that the TV is not on his channel. He picks up the remote and tries to change it but can't so he runs off to find batteries. Eventually he returns empty handed because you previosly hid all of the batteries. Your show is now half over. He will sit down and watch TV. If he changes channel then get up and go out side. Open the door and come in a grocery bag which you shake around. Brother comes running thinking that mom is home with food for real. You hide. He doesn't see groceries and thinks mom is locked out and runs out of house to get snacks. U come out and lock door, replace remote batteries and extra batteries and watch ur show until a parent comes home and lets brother in. Then brother explains whole thing and u say oh I couldn't hear u and are u stupid or something because I bet u five bucks there are exra batteries. He smiles knowing he is right and agrees. You show him batteries and now you have gotten to watch ur show and are 5 dollars richer. Enjoy.

What do you do if you forget your book at home and tomorrow is a test?

phone a friend. call a teacher, call the school, call your mom/dad/sister/brother