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it depends who the 9 year old is. i could run 3 miles at 9, but if you are fat or unfit you would be lucky to be able to run 100metres

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Q: Can a 9 year old run 600 meters?
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A time of 1:31 in 600 yards translates to a time of 1:39.5 for 600 meters.

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There are approximately 1968.5 feet in a 600 meter run.

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If you are in shape, I would go for about 1:10-1:17.

Is 23.4 a good time for a 14 year old boy in the 200 meters?

that is very good an averaged speed 14 year old should runs this in 27-28.5, i run it in 26.28 for a 14 year old, and im pretty quick, but 23.4 is insane

How fast should you run 800 meters if you are a 18 year old boy?

There is no real answer for that because many factors come into play. These being if you have trained or ran before and also if you have a natural ability to run.

What is a good time for a 10 year old to run 100 meters?

i would say a good 100m time for a 10 year old boy is around 16-17secs. I am an 11 year old girl and ran the 100m in 15.9 secs.

Is it healthy for a 9 year old boy to train for a 10 kilometer run?

no it is not healthy for a nine year old boy to run a ten kilometer run.

How fast does a ten year old run?

Depends on the distance, for 800m as a ten year old I can run 2:29 as a PB.

How fast should a 10 year old boy run in a mile?

an ten year old boy would run 6-8 minutes to run in a mile

How far will you travel if you run for 10 minutes at 2 meters per second?

1 minute = 60 seconds so 10 mintes = 10*60 = 600 seconds. 2 metres per second = 2*600 = 1200 metres in 600 seconds