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Q: Can a body petrify after fourteen years?
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What part of speech is petrify?

Petrify is a verb.

How long to petrify a shark tooth?

After about a million years the toothe of a shark will become black but still maintain many characteristics of fresh shark teeth. That is the way shark teeth "Petrify" while in water. While they are buried in land they will take more time for the pressure of the sand or dirt to "petrify" a shark tooth. Sometimes about 1.6 million years or more.

What is a good sentence with the word petrify?

a good sentence would be, what are you trying to do? petrify me?

How do you cure gradual petrify on Final Fantasy IX?

The item soft cures petrify and gradual petrify. I'm pretty sure if you have Garnet's stona it will do the same.

How old is dinosaur skin and teeth?

It really depends but first of all, dinosaur skin does not petrify so their is no such thing as dinosaur sking in our era, but teeth are bone so it does petrify. The range at which teeth could be found are from about 65 million years ago to almost 250 million years ago.

What is a petrifying spring?

A petrifying spring is a type of mineral spring where water rich in minerals flows over objects, coating them with minerals like calcium carbonate that eventually harden and turn into stone-like formations. This process can create a unique and visually striking natural phenomenon.

How do you spell petrfy?


How old is Chanti?

Currently, she is thirteen years old. She will be fourteen in fourteen days. :)

How would you use the word fourteen in a sentence?

there are fourteen chocolate bars. i am fourteen years old. that cat lady has collected fourteen cats so far

What is the synonym for petrify?

To scare. Or to fossilize.

What is a sentence using the word petrified?

The boys discovered petrified wood in the stream. The sight of the huge monster left him petrified, too scared to move.

What is a sentence with petrify in it?

The wood petrified with time