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Yes if it's in its natural habitat.

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Q: Can a budgie survive outside the wild all by it self?
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Related questions

What is the coloration of a wild budgie?

the natural colouration of a budgie is a green body with a yellow head

How did hunter gathers survive?

the availability of wild plants and animals

Is the budgie endangered?

There are too many Bugies out there in the wild and in captivity for it to be endangered!

Why is a indoor cage appropriate for a budgie?

Budgies are small Austrialian parakeets that can be domesticated. If keeping a budgie indoors an aviaries so they can get plenty of exercise, like they would in the wild.

Where is the budgie in a food chain?

Food chains differ from where they take place, such as in lakes, or in the ocean. On land, the budgie, or parakeet would fall into the same spot all other wild birds are in, in that they are eaten by predators that hunt and eat small wild birds.

How long can your escaped pet budgie last in the wild in freezing cold weather?

2 hours

How do cheetahs survive in the wild?

cheetahs survive in the wild by running down their prey. this is not my answer it is a websites

Do budgie's need to fly daliy?

Yes, budgies benefit from daily flight exercise to maintain their physical health, muscles, and overall well-being. Flying also helps satisfy their natural instincts and promotes mental stimulation. It is important to provide a safe and spacious environment for your budgie to fly freely.

What different parakeets are there?

Budgies come in many different mutation and sizes. But they are all the same species, Melopsittacus undulatus. But we separate these budgies into three different groups, The wild budgie (which is much smaller than our domesticated pets), The Australian budgie (which amazingly is sometimes called the American, I have no idea why) and the English or Show budgie. The most common budgie we keep as pets is the Australian budgie. These are the ones you see in shops (please do not support pet shops!). All wild budgies are yellow-based normals. All other mutations have been bred by humans.

How does a albino snake survive in the wild?

Albino snakes survive in the wild by using their senses of smell, heat detection, and vibration detection to hunt for prey and avoid predators. They also rely on their natural camouflage and behavior to blend into their surroundings for protection. However, albino snakes may face challenges such as increased visibility to predators due to their lack of natural coloring.

Can a domestic rabbit survive in the wild?

A domestic rabbit may be able to survive in the wild for a short period of time. But generally no they cannot survive the wild. They do not have the instincts needed. They do not know how to escape predators or survive winters. A domestic rabbit would not last too long in the wild.

What do snakes need to survive in the wild?

Snakes need water, food and air in order to survive in the wild.