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It only depends on the mass and the speed it's travelling at.

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Q: Can a comets tail be more than 100 million kilometers?
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Can comets tail be miles long?

Most comet tails are millions of miles long, for example the Halley's comet, with a tail stretching 50 million kilometers. As well as the Great Comet of 1843, the tail reaching 2 AU in length. (One AU is about 150 000 000km)

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How long is a comets tail?

A comet's tail can vary in length, but it can extend from tens of thousands to millions of kilometers. The tail is mainly composed of dust and gas particles that are released as the comet approaches the Sun and interaction with solar wind pushes the material away from the comet's nucleus.

What shapes the comets tail into a shimmering tail?

The tail of a comet is shaped by the solar wind, which pushes the gas and dust particles emitted from the comet's nucleus away from the Sun. The particles are ionized by sunlight and are then affected by the Sun's magnetic field, forming the distinctive shimmering tail.

What three things are comets made of?

Comets are made of mainly 3 parts -dust tail, ion tail and coma

This has a tail when it is near to the sun?


What are celestial comets?

Celestial comets is a more formal name for comets. Comets are objects in space orbiting the Sun with long orbits. They are thought to be made of frozen water. As they near the Sun they produce a long glowing tail trailing behind.

Can a comets tail be hundreds of millions of kilometers long?

Sure. As a comet approaches the sun, the comet sheds some of its material, which trails behind it for millions of kilometers. It is this tail that is the most visible part of a comet. In fact, the word comet means "hairy star," referring to the long, streaming tail. In 1910, the earth actually passed through the tail of Halley's Comet.

What did the tail of comet points?

A Comets tail points away from the sun.

Does solar flares give comets their tail?

No, solar flares do not give comets their tails. The tail of a comet forms from the solar wind interacting with the comet's nucleus, causing gas and dust to be released and form a tail that points away from the Sun. Solar flares are bursts of energy from the Sun's surface and are not directly responsible for creating comet tails.

What do we see comets as?

Comets are seen as bright, icy bodies that orbit the Sun. When they get closer to the Sun, they release gas and dust in a glowing coma and often develop a tail that points away from the Sun due to solar wind.

What mass of material with a long tail travels around the sun?

The mass of material with a long tail that travels around the sun is called a comet. Comets are composed of ice, dust, and small rocky particles. The tail of a comet is formed when it gets closer to the sun, and the heat causes the ice to vaporize and create a glowing tail. The mass of a comet can range from a few million kilograms to billions of kilograms.