

Best Answer

It depends on what you mean.

0.10 is the same as 10 cents is the same as 10¢

0.10¢ is a tenth of a cent

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Q: Can a decimal point be used with a cent sign?
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Why is a decimal point called a decimal point?

Because it is a point that is used in the decimal system of counting. Decimal means based on ten.

How do you write in French 183.30 in words?

"cent quatre-vingt trois point trois" in french the decimal point is not used so it would be 183.30 "cint quatre-vingt trois virgule trois"

How are real numbers expressed in binary?

The same as real numbers are expressed in decimal, except only the digits 0 and 1 are used (instead of 0 to 9) and the separator between the integer and fraction part is called the binary point (instead of the decimal point). The sign if needed is the same as in decimal.

How do you make a cent sign?

The letter 'c' (lowercase) is usually used.

What period is after the decimal point?

The decimal point is the only period (full-stop) used in decimals.

What the meanig of the decimal point?

The decimal point is used to show that the number is not whole. Numbers after the decimal point show fractions of the number so there is more accuracy.

Which term is used to refer to a number that includes a decimal point?


What word is used to signify the decimal point in a number?

The word used to signify a decimal point in a number is "point". For example, 3.14 written out would be three point one four.

How do you say 76.349 in French?

76.349 (French writing 76,349) is "soixante seize virgule trois cent quarante neuf". The 'virgule' is used to separates the decimal in the same way the point does in English.

What are the steps used to write a percent as a decimal?

Step 1. Divide it by 100 Step 2. Write it down. 17% = 0.17

What is the floating point unit used for on the processor system?

"Floating Point" refers to the decimal point. Since there can be any number of digits before and after the decimal, the point "floats". The floating point unit performs arithmetic operations on decimal numbers.

Is comma a decimal point in British pounds?

No, a comma is not used as a decimal point in British pounds. It is used that way in France, Spain, and some other countries, however.