Only in improper fractions where the numerator is a multiple of the denominator.
463/100 (which we know can not be simplified as 463 is a prime number that is greater than the denominator of 100).
No. If it has an even number in the numerator and the denominator, then both are divisible by 2, and the fraction is NOT simplified.
It is a number whose numerator is a multiple of the denominator. Equivalently, it is a fraction which, when simplified, has a denominator of 1.
No. Although one number is prime, the other number could still have room for the prime to fit in. Example: 11/22 can still be simplified even though 11 is a prime number. It can be divided by 11. The answer will be 1/2. Remember that a prime number can still be divided by itself.
As 11 is a prime number, the fraction 11/24 cannot be simplified any further while retaining an integer numerator or denominator.
"7" is a prime number. But you can simplify 7/14, 7/21,/7/28, and so on. Answer: If the denominator is also a multiple of the prime number, then the fraction can be simplified; otherwise, it cannot. To simplify any fraction, the numerator and denominator must have a factor in common, as in the examples above.
0.0115 is equivalent to 115/10,000 This can be simplified to 23/2000 by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their common denominator of 5. This cannot be simplified further, as 23 is a prime number.
463/100 (which we know can not be simplified as 463 is a prime number that is greater than the denominator of 100).
If the numerator of a fraction is a prime number, then the fraction cannot be simplified any further if the denominator is not a factor of the numerator. This is because a prime number has only two factors: 1 and itself. Therefore, the fraction is already in its simplest form.
No, because 263 is a prime number and cannot be divided by anything but 1 and itself, therefore the fraction cannot be simplified no matter what denominator you use.
No. If it has an even number in the numerator and the denominator, then both are divisible by 2, and the fraction is NOT simplified.
You put a fraction in simplest form by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. If the either the numerator or denominator is a prime number, the fraction cannot be simplified.
A fraction in which the numerator and denominator are co-prime.
It is a number whose numerator is a multiple of the denominator. Equivalently, it is a fraction which, when simplified, has a denominator of 1.
No. Although one number is prime, the other number could still have room for the prime to fit in. Example: 11/22 can still be simplified even though 11 is a prime number. It can be divided by 11. The answer will be 1/2. Remember that a prime number can still be divided by itself.
No. Although one number is prime, the other number could still have room for the prime to fit in. Example: 11/22 can still be simplified even though 11 is a prime number. It can be divided by 11. The answer will be 1/2. Remember that a prime number can still be divided by itself.
No. Only when fractions have a numerator bigger that their denominator can they be simplified as a mixed number.