Absolutely ! Every morning I ask both of my dogs, Bud and Lou, "I have six biscuits. If I give each of you three biscuits, how many biscuits will I have left ?", and BOTH of my dogs say nothing !
dog dog dog
The page code is JY2DG
i dont know my dog ate my copy of that book can you help by writing the actual problem and maybe we can answer it...shame on my dog
math 7
dog dog dog
you do the math dog
The cast of Dog Math - 2011 includes: Costa Bravos as Henry Zachary Chapman as Johnathan Lorien Haynes as Carol
A Dog On A Leaches That IS Running
The page code is JY2DG
Ask the dog what year it was born in, (and if you want to be really accurate the month and date) then, as the Americans say, do the math?
a women who has a beagle dog and the dogs name is Maggie if you ask Maggie an addition multiplication or subtraction like 4+4 she taps her right front paw 8 times and she can do other math questions
1dog yr= 7 human yrs. do the math
um 14 in dog and all you have to do is times 14 my 4 I think im not doing math right now XD
you have to know how much food a day to give your dog, and how much food u need to buy, their is alot of things hope this helps