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Q: Can a function have more than one input?
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In a function can an input have more than one outputs?

No. If an input in a function had more than one output, that would be a mapping, but not a function.

Can a function have more than one output per one input?

No. A function has only one output per input.

How do we know that the input have one output or more in a function in math?

By definition. If one input has more than one outputs then it is not a function.

For every input there must be only one output for it to be a function What if there was more than one output to an input is it still then a function?

No, it is not. A function can only have one output per input. (If it has more than one, it is still maths, but it cannot be called a "function". It would probably be called an equation or a formula etc...).

A function may assign more than one output value to one of its input values?


What are the functions of algorithm?

A function is any relationship between inputs and outputs in which each input leads to exactly one output. It is possible for a function to have more than one input that yields the same output.

Single input single output control system?

The first one, which we often called SISO, is an open loop system because it has only one input and one output signal. But the later -MIMO- has more than one input and can has also more than one output.So the feedback systems are classified as MIMO because the feedback signal is considered as another input.Note: We can't use transfer function for MIMO systems.Eng.Ahmed Gendeya

Can an invertible function have more than one x-intercept?

No. If the function has more than one x-intercept then there are more than one values of x for which y = 0. This means that, for the inverse function, y = 0 should be mapped onto more than one x values. That is, the inverse function would be many-to-one. But a function cannot be many-to-one. So the "inverse" is not a function. And tat means the original function is not invertible.

What is an input-output relationship that has exactly one output for each input?


What is a relationship between input and output?

It is a mapping which assigns one or more outputs to each set of one or more inputs. A relationship need not be a function.

Why need more than one HDMI?

I'm guessing that you want to know why a TV needs more than one HDMI input. You could have one HD input from your cable or satellite provider, and then you might have another HD input from your DVD or BlueRay player.

What is used to determined if the graph is a function or not?

There is a method called a vertical line test. A function is defined as a system that has one output for each input. Therefore for every x, there is only one y. So if you draw a vertical line anywhere and you get more than one point that intersects the graph, it is not a function. If it intersects only once, the graph is a function.