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Yes. If it has a 90deg angle and 2 45 deg angles it will be.

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Q: Can a isoscele triangle also be a right triangle?
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What is a isoscele trinangle?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle that has two congruent or equal sides. For example, a triangle that has sides of 3,3, and 5.

Why is a isoscele angle tri180 degrees?

Because the 3 interior angles of any triangle always add up to 180 degrees.

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What does a right triangle and an isosceles triangle have in common?

A right triangle and an isosceles triangle have the fact that they are both triangles in common. A right triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

How can a triangle with a right angle also be isosceles triangle?

An isoscles triangle is a triangle which has two of its sides equal in length. Yes, absolutely a right triangle can also be an isoscles triangle.

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The uncle of Scalene

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Can a right triangle be an isosceles triangle?

Yes, a right triangle an be an isosceles triangle. The triangle will will have a 90 degree angle and two 45 degree angles. This is the only way a right angle triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

Does an isosceles triangle have a right angle?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. A right triangle is any triangle with one angle that is a right angle. A right triangle could also be an isosceles triangle, but an isosceles triangle will not always have a right angle.

Does an isosceles triangle have right angles?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. A right triangle is any triangle with one angle that is a right angle. A right triangle could also be an isosceles triangle, but an isosceles triangle will not always have a right angle.