It becomes a tenth as large as it was!
Divide the small number by the large number and multiply by 100, gives you the percent. 52 divided by 75 equals .69333 infinity, multiplied by 100 equals 69.33 percent.
large numbers
Expressing the result of a very large number or even a very small number is what we call scientific notation.
Very large and very small numbers are expressed in scientific notation
Say 50 teeth divided by 5. That is a ten to one ratio.
The large value converting to small value is multiplied. The small value converting to large value is divided. inches (small value) to feet (large value) is divided. The number of inches in a feet is 12 inches, so to convert inches to feet, one would need to divide the number by 12.
It becomes a tenth as large as it was!
a proper fraction
Small bacause if you have large you could hear things you are not supposed to
Divide the small number by the large number and multiply by 100, gives you the percent. 52 divided by 75 equals .69333 infinity, multiplied by 100 equals 69.33 percent.
You divide by the number of small units that are in the large unit. For example, you know that there are 12 inches in a foot. So if you want to convert inches into feet, divided the number of inches by 12. For example, 24 inches = 2 feet, 36 inches = 3 feet 42 inches = 3.5 feet.