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Q: Can a neutral point of compound be below 7 or greater than 7?
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How can you calculate the pH of NaHCO3 at its isoelectric point?

At the isoelectric point, the compound is neutral and does not exhibit acidic or basic properties. As NaHCO3 is a salt, its pH at the isoelectric point would be around 7, which is neutral. At this point, the concentration of H+ ions equals the concentration of OH- ions.

What is the neutral of PH?

The neutral point is 7. Anything below that is an acid, and anything above the pH of 7 is a base.

How to calculate Q first moment of inertia above and below the neutral axis?

-find the area(A) of the shape above the neutral axis (or above a particular point if given) - locate the centroid (y')of the shape relative to the neutral axis(or above point) using y' = ∑AiYi / ∑Ai - first moment of area = A*y' (or y' + distance of given point from neutral axis)

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Sodium chloride is an ionic compound whereas AlCl3 is a covalent compound. Ionic compounds have greater melting point due to stronger electrostatic force of attraction.

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Hafnium-tantalum carbide is the most refractory material known today with a melting point of3 942 0C.

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Pressure is greater at 20 m below the surface of the sea than at 10 m below due to the increase in water column above, causing an increase in hydrostatic pressure. The pressure at any point in a fluid is directly proportional to the depth of the fluid above that point.

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What is neutral point

What temperature is greater 1C or 1F?

1C is just above freezing point of water. 1F is WAY below freezing.

What is neutral on a pH scale?

A substance is neutral on the pH scale when it has a pH of 7. This means the substance is neither acidic (pH less than 7) nor basic (pH greater than 7). Water is an example of a substance that is neutral on the pH scale.

What is the neutral point of the magnet?

In a combined magnetic field, a neutral point is a place where the magnetic field is zero

Where can one find a neutral connection point?

A person can find a neutral connection point is testing the continuity of every neutral connection. This technique will enable a person to find a bad connection point.

Does bromine have a melting point greater than room temperature?

- 7.2o Celsius is quite a bit below room temperature. ( about 19o Fahrenheit )