Uper-triangular Matrix A square matrix A whose elements aij=0 for i>j is called upper triangular matrix.
A strictly lower triangular matrix is a kind of (lower) triangular matrix. Term "lower" implies matrix has elements only in the lower half. The condition "strictly" implies that even the "diagonal" of such lower triangular matrix is populated with '0's. The strictly lower triangular matrix thus has '0's in its diagonal as well as the upper triangle part. In other words, a strictly lower triangular matrix is a lower triangular matrix minus its diagonal.
Lower-triangular Matrix A square matrix A whose elements aij=0 for i
Diagonal Matrix A square matrix A which is both uper-triangular and lower triangular is called a diagonal matrix. Diagonal matrix is denoted by D.
write a programe to build a sparse matrix as an array. write function to check if the sparse matrix is a square, diagonal,lower triangular, upper triangular or tridiagonal matrix
A square matrix in which all the entries of the main diagonal are zero
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You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this link.www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~malek/TeX/Triangle.pdfSince (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.
You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this link.www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~malek/TeX/Triangle.pdfSince (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.
You can factorize the matrix using LU or LDLT factorization algorithm. inverse of a diagonal matrix (D) is really simple. To find the inverse of L, which is a lower triangular matrix, you can find the answer in this link.www.mcs.csueastbay.edu/~malek/TeX/Triangle.pdfSince (A T )-1 = (A-1 )T for all matrix, you'll just have to find inverse of L and D.