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Math, science and logical thinking are necessary requirements for being a good programmer. If you're good at those, you'll definitely do well in computer programming!

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Q: Can a person who is good at mathematics and science do well in computer programming?
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Can a person who is good at mathematics and science do well in computer science and programming languages?

Yes. I am not very good at math having struggled mightily to complete Calculus II, but have done rather well at programming. In my 30 years with computers I have seen that most software engineers and programmers use high level math rather seldom. There are many fields that need both high level math and computer science, but there are even more than require the ability to construct a logical flow where math is not involve at all.

What are the threats of a person that excels in mathematics and science?

People that excel in mathematics and science are not a threat. However, if you mean "traits", then people that excel at math and science are generally inquisitive, critical thinking, analytical, and very good at paying attention to detail.

What is the importance of business mathematics in business courses?

Mathematics is an important subject and knowledge of it enhances a person's reasoning, problem-solving skills, and in general, the ability to think. Hence it is important for understanding almost every subject whether science and technology, medicine, the economy, or business and finance. Mathematical tools such as the theory of chaos are used to mapping market trends and forecasting of the same. Statistics and probability which are branches of mathematics are used in everyday business and economics. Mathematics also form an important part of accounting, and many accountancy companies prefer graduates with joint degrees with mathematics rather than just an accountancy qualification. Financial Mathematics and Business Mathematics form two important branches of mathematics in today's world and these are direct application of mathematics to business and economics. Examples of applied maths such as probability theory and management science, such as queuing theory, time-series analysis, linear programming all are vital maths for business.

Can a student take admission in engineering if he has taken physics mathematics and computer science?

Yes, because they are both things you need. Thats how i took that class. But i would ask whoever you need to ask to be shore. sincerly, the person that helped you, <3 unknown<3

Is it correct to say a person is good at mathematics or in mathematics?

It's correct to say that a person is good AT mathematics.

Related questions

What do you call a person who is addicted to computer programming?

One thing that you can call a person that is addicted to computer programming is a computer nerd. A computer nerd is always on the computer.

Can a person who is good at mathematics and science do well in computer science and programming languages?

Yes. I am not very good at math having struggled mightily to complete Calculus II, but have done rather well at programming. In my 30 years with computers I have seen that most software engineers and programmers use high level math rather seldom. There are many fields that need both high level math and computer science, but there are even more than require the ability to construct a logical flow where math is not involve at all.

What is progaming?

A computer programming is a person that makes programs for a computer.

What does a person have to do to become a meteoroligst?

you have to be smart and you have to be able to be commited to your job. you also have to have a degree for meteorolgy. you can also start from another field such as mathematics, oceanography,physics, or computer science. you have to be smart and you have to be able to be commited to your job. you also have to have a degree for meteorolgy. you can also start from another field such as mathematics, oceanography,physics, or computer science.

What do you call a person who is addicted to computer?

One thing that you can call a person that is addicted to computer programming is a computer nerd. A computer nerd is always on the computer.

What is a person who studies computers?

The study of computers is called computer science and Chuck Norris too.

Is it hard to get a collge degree in computer science?

It is not difficult to get a college degree like computer science or related computer degree, just make sure you are a person with dedication and focus to your choosen career or major.Answer:Well, it's not easy and may involve completing complex courses like algorithms, logic structures, programming languages, networking concepts, etc. It's good to take courses in math and physics in high school to prepare for a Computer Science degree.

Can a person who is great at mathematics do well in physical science?

potang ina mo

How do you use active learning in computer programming?

Active learning is used in computer programming with a person "learning and the depth of the student's knowledge increase when active learning methods are employed in the classroom. Active learning strategies are discussed in general computer science course work and as used in a theory of computation course. Difficulties with active learning and techniques for dealing with these are also presented."

How are computer software programs manufactured?

The "manufacturing" of computer software is called "programming"; also "development". A person or a company will use a special programming language to write instructions, which are then translated into computer code. For more details, check videos or other online resources about "computer programming". You can also find free introductory courses about computer programming in different places.

Can anyone who is strong at mathematics do well in computer programming languages as well as all fields of science and engineering?

Not everybody can do well in computer programming, that is strong in mathematics. It depends on how your mind operates. For example a person that is Very highly dyslexic may be great at remembering things from years ago, but still be extremely bad at using those memories in order to make wise decisions in everyday choices. This clearly shows that a person with only base skills in one area, doesn't always exceed at being good at other things branching off of that particular area. (i hope this makes since... hopefully somebody can improve this answer.)

Is it possible for a person who watches only cartoons to be in engineering science as well as computer science programs?

It is very possible for this person to exhibit brilliance in the sciences, humanities, arts, or just about any intelligent endeavor since they have already shown a lack of interest in moronic pastimes such as regular television programming.