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Yes. It can take-off on auto pilot. But we have to programme it correctly according to the procedure. All commercial airplanes take-off manually.

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Q: Can a plane take off on auto pilot?
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Either after take off the pilot turns on auto pilot or he pitches the plane nose up by pullling back on the plane yoke a yoke is used to make the plane go up and dwn

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When the pilot opens the throttle, the plane starts to move. If pointed down a runway, it can take off.

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The Pitot tube iced up which resulted in auto pilot putting the plane into a dive to regain airspeed. The pilot can feel that he has speed and shuts off the auto pilot, then pulls back on the yoke to slow the plane and stalls the plane sending it into a flat spin from which there is no recovery with limited gauges.

Why push the auto pilot button after take off of a Boeing 777?

The reason pilots engage the auto-pilot after take-off is to ease their time flying and to reduce the workload that they have to do in the cockpit. It it much safer to do this rather then hand-flying it.

What drives the plane at take off?

The captain and copilot pull the yoke back and the aircraft takes off autopilot can't help take off for some reason. Pilot's fly the plane .

How can one visit the pilot on a plane?

A person can visit the pilot on a plane before the plane takes off. Someone can ask to see the pilot before taking off and they can meet them. Many pilots also welcome the passengers onto the plane, so they can be met that way as well.

How do you use takeoff in a sentence?

Example from a pilot speaking inside a plane: This is American Airways 3953 we are ready for take off over.

What causes airplanes to take off?

Lift is what ultimatly causes the plane to take off. When a plane get up to take off speed, that means the wings are generating enough lift to lift the plane up. The pilot will change the planes angle of attack with the elevators (located on the horizontal stabilizers) to the wind which forces engine thrust to push the plane into the air.

How do instruments help planes fly through clouds?

In a cloud, there are no visual references to tell the pilot how the plane is angled. A pilot might accidentally climb so hard that the plane stalls out. Or take off in the wrong direction, or fly into the ground. With instruments, the pilot can keep the plane aligned w/o seeing outside the cockpit.

Why is wind strength important for a pilot?

Wind strength or wind speed is important to a pilot because it effect the pilot's ability control the plane while in flight, upon take off, upon final approach and upon landing.

What would happen if someone refuses to turn off a lap top on a plane before flight?

They would be escorted from the plane. An airplane pilot has the same powers as a ship's captain. On the plane what he says goes. Disobey the pilot and you will be put off of the airplane.

What control the airplanes?

The pilot and co-pilot. You may not see them, as they are way in front. On some big planes like the Boeing 747, need more than 2 people to fly the plane. When I was young, I thought the plane was driven by the computer, automatically, and it was smart enough to ensure that everyone is inside the plane, or know how to take off and land.However, if you are talking about the airplane in the sky, sometimes there is a computer which flies the plane. the autopilot, especially on long flights. In case of emergency, the pilot/co-pilot will turn it off so they can fly how they want it to be. But the autopilot actually isn't that smart. It cannot avoid bad weather, or other incoming planes and other obstacles. The pilot has to control it manually.Before the flight, the pilot must program the autopilot before it can fly. And believe me, it is a lot harder than it sounds. The pilot must program the right altitude, the right speed, the direction, and what angles the plane has to turn to stay on route.So the pilot will usually fly the plane during take-off and landing, and can relax during the flight.Hope this answers your question.